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MMoexp Diablo4 a handful of occasions - Printable Version

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MMoexp Diablo4 a handful of occasions - JeansKeyzhu - 08-30-2024

However, the devs did so with a short video that features the map of Sanctuary slowly being covered by what looks like black ink. The end tag of the footage states, "Corruption is spreading," which might indicate that something new and sinister that is set to happen in the game will be announced during the livestream. However, no exact details about this "corruption" seems to have been revealed by the team anywhere.

Diablo's General Manager Rob Fergusson also chimed in on Twitter, humorously saying it might be him that is the corruption coming to Diablo 4. The roster of Blizzard executives featured in the upcoming Developer Livestream did not originally include Fergusson, but his tweet shows that he will pop up to discuss Diablo 4's Season 4, among other things. Given the sudden change in the line-up, this makes it more believable that something big is going to be revealed, so fans should definitely try to catch the live event to get first dibs on the news.

Even if the development team did not share the new teaser, many in the Diablo 4 player base would probably have tuned into the second Developer Livestream. The first one was full of information, answering a lot of questions that the community had about the future of the game. Hopefully the fans will get more than what they asked for when they watch the livestream.

Many Diablo 4 players are unhappy with the side quest cap and have started complaining about it, requesting a change to this annoying restriction. Diablo 4 offers plenty of quests and side quests, but the current side quest cap restricts players only to take a few at a time, wasting their effort on a handful of occasions.

Diablo 4 launched on June 6, and fans worldwide have been enjoying the game so far. Since the game's launch, millions of players have explored the incredible and bleak world made by Blizzard Entertainment. Even though the game has received positive reviews, many Diablo 4 players have shared their complaints about the game. And now, more fans share another concern hindering their experience when finding new side quests.

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Reddit user Moosplauze complained on the Diablo 4 subreddit about the game's side quest cap. According to them, the Side Quest cap is pointless, failing to see why the developers would put this feature in the game. Diablo 4 has many exciting side quests, but with the current side quest cap, players can only track a few of them, missing opportunities to take part in other side quests when finding related items.

Many Reddit users joined the post and shared their complaints about the feature while siding with Moosplauze. As of this writing, Diablo 4 only allows players to track 20 side quests at a time. Clearing side quests should not be an issue, but sometimes NPCs give players more side quests when they finish the current one, adding more quests to the list without actively looking for them. Diablo 4 has plenty of quests and side quests, so limiting the amount of side quests players can take is detrimental to their time.

Many Diablo 4 fans have faced the same issue, and according to a few of them, it gets annoying when a short side quest prompts another one, adding more to the list. Diablo 4 developers should consider these complaints as thousands of players share the same opinion. Deleting the side quest cap or expanding it could help all these players annoyed by the uncomfortable issue. Diablo 4's new season is on its way, and a change like the one requested by fans could help the game in the long run.

The hype around the upcoming Starfield is only growing as it draws closer to its September release date, and a community event like Diablo 4's launch challenge could only add to the excitement. With the title being set to come out as a day-one title on the Xbox Game Pass service, its amount of players at launch is likely to be staggering, making this concept viable.

With such a big potential audience, it seems pertinent that Starfield should include some lucrative rewards for its most dedicated and passionate early players. Much in the same way Diablo 4 recently showcased, there should be some serious real-world incentives for players attempting to achieve Starfield's most challenging feats of exploration.

How Diablo 4 Rewarded Dedicated Players

Diablo 4's recent June release heralded in a new era for the longstanding franchise, much in the same way Starfield will mark a new era for Bethesda when it launches. With the franchise's community being desperate to explore the game, Blizzard Entertainment set a challenge to players who were aiming to rack up some serious achievements before anyone else. Namely, the first 1000 people who managed to reach level 100 with a Hardcore character in Diablo 4 got their names immortalized on an eccentric trophy.

This was a great way to build upon the pre-existing hype of the release, giving the community a tangible challenge and reward for engaging in one of Diablo 4's most difficult experineces. The strategy proved to be a huge success for Blizzard, with thousands keeping a close eye on those who braved the challenge, creating an instant sense of community for the new release.

Although similar challenges have been set out by gaming companies in the past, Diablo 4 is a clear indication that AAA titles should be implementing them more frequently going forward. While Starfield does not possess the same kind of Hardcore mode as Diablo 4, the level of exploration within the game could easily see a similar challenge be put forward by Bethesda.